In WISEflow, the assessment process is referred to as a flow.
The platform has a range of flow types that supports different assessment formats that can be employed for both formative and summative assessments.
The system is role-based. Different roles carry out different tasks at various points during the set up/running of a flow (assessment process).
The manager sets up the assessment for the participants.
Assessors grade the
participants’ work.
Authors write the assessment questions.
Reviewers can read and monitor student submissions and
assessors’ marking, as well as decide on the final
Invigilators monitor the exam or assessment live.
Licence administrators manage the WISEflow licence for your institution; they can also
appoint supporters to help with troubleshooting.
Flows can be configured and combined to support the desired assessment type. The flow type determines what answers can be submitted and the security level. What’s more, several of the flow types are specially designed for supporting group assessments.
Open-book essay assessments
Portfolio assessments
Closed-book essay assessments
Structured MCQ assessments
Oral and practical/observational assessments
Sequenced assessments where progression is conditional
An assessment series with several assessments resulting in access to a final exam