Bucerius Law School transitions to fully digital exams
In 2023, a crucial decision was made allowing state exams in Hamburg to be taken digitally. This allowed long-time WISEflow users at Bucerius Law School to finally make a full transition to digital assessment for all exams and assessments.
Distance learning is here to stay – so how can universities accommodate it?
Distance learning was still firmly on the agenda after the pandemic, alongside its counterpart, hybrid learning. Now, many students and academics want to be able to choose how they work. So, how can universities accommodate this?
Full WISEflow rollout at Universidade Aberta after winning contract in Portugal
UNIwise is happy to announce the winning of a tender to award a three year contract with the Universidade Aberta, Portugal.
UNIwise welcomes Henrik Løvig as new company CEO
Exciting times are ahead for UNIwise! We welcome Henrik Løvig as our new company CEO.
UNIwise welcomes friends, family and business partners to housewarming for new office
On 15 November, UNIwise welcomed those in the Aarhus area to a housewarming party for our new head office. We hosted suppliers, new neighbours, local customers and families for a relaxed get-together, with some drinks and snacks.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall: preventing cyberattacks in higher education
This blog post discusses the danger that cyberattacks post to the higher-education sector, alongside some tips and advice on how institutions can protect themselves from ransomware, malware and more.
UNIwise holds IT-camp for girls in Aarhus head office
On 20 October, a group of 25 enthusiastic young women in tech joined us in our Aarhus head office for an IT-camp. This was in collaboration with the Aarhus University Department of Computer Science.
Join us for our housewarming party on 15 November in Aarhus!
UNIwise is in an exciting period of expansion, which our move to the new office symbolises. Swing by for a drink on 15 November to see the new space!
Ask and you shall receive: student perspectives on AI
If you didn’t know what generative AI was 12 months ago, you almost certainly do now with the emergence of tools such as ChatGPT. But how do our students feel about recent developments in AI, and their impact on higher education?
Using data analytics in higher education to support students and guarantee retention
An increasing number of higher education institutions are using data analytics to support students and guarantee retention. Find out what they are doing, why they are doing it and how it’s possible in our newest blog post.
Reducing the administrative burden, ensuring flexibility and providing authenticity: the Arctic University of Norway on the benefits of digital assessment
The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) is a research university that contributes to knowledge-based development at the regional, national and international level. This case study follows a conversation with Maria Mykelstad, Administrative Manager at UiT.
The cost-of-living crisis and higher education: the Student Academic Experience Survey 2023
Advance HE and HEPI recently published the annual Student Academic Experience Survey (SAES). Many of the positive messages from the report were ‘overshadowed by the cost-of-living crisis’ and its effects on students. We reflect on these findings, and offer some suggestions on how to alleviate the financial burden for students.
Innovation, Transformation und Integration: Die Universität Erfurt über die Vorteile der digitalen Prüfungen
Im Folgenden finden Sie einen Bericht von Professor Dr. Gerd Mannhaupt, Vizepräsident für Studienangelegenheiten und Direktor der Erfurt School of Education an der Universität Erfurt. Prof. Dr. Mannhaupt spricht über den digitalen Wandel, Integrationen, Innovationen und mehr.
Integrations, innovations and transitions: the University of Erfurt on the advantages of digital assessment
The following text is a report by Professor Dr. Gerd Mannhaupt, Vice President for Student Affairs and Director of the Erfurt School of Education at the University of Erfurt. Professor Dr. Mannhaupt discusses the digital transition, integrations, innovations and more.
Save the date: WISEcon24 to be held 9-10 April 2024 in Hamburg
We’re delighted to announce that WISEcon24 will be held at Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, 9-10 April!
UNIwise holds summer party at headquarters in Aarhus
On Friday 16 June, UNIwise held its annual summer party at our headquarters in Aarhus. The day was filled with teamworking, music, cake and champagne – and we were joined by Daniel Mogerud of Monterro, our new partners, alongside fellow Board member Leif Bohlin - who called in remotely.
A day of collaboration: UNIwise hosts first Partner Day at headquarters in Aarhus
On Thursday 25 May, we hosted our first Partner Day at the Danish School of Media and Journalism.
UNIwise partners with Swedish Monterro
UNIwise has partnered with B2B software investor Monterro. The partnership will enable us to strengthen our platform, provide better support for our customers and support greater outreach in Europe. Likewise, we will be better resourced to secure both our customers’ success and product fit in the years to come while scaling.
‘Slick, calm and successful’: University College London runs large-scale in-person digital exam pilot at ExCel London, using WISEflow.
On Wednesday 17 May, 370 UCL students opted to take part in an in-person digital examination pilot, sat on WISEflow, at the ExCel Arena, London. We discussed this pilot with Joanne Moles, Head of Assessment Delivery and Platforms.
Closing the digital divide in higher education: data analytics, tech support schemes and alternative assessment practices.
When the pandemic hit in 2020, students were sent to work from their homes as lockdowns came into effect worldwide. For many, however, this was not a feasible reality - huge numbers of students were unable to access the technology they needed to continue their studies. This issue is known as ‘digital poverty.’