WISEflow given the green light by Jisc
In its latest ‘Step Up’ report, Jisc has given UK institutions the go ahead to work with UNIwise, praising the WISEflow assessment platform as having “the capabilities for implementation at multiple institutions”.
To Proctor or Not To Proctor - Is That the Question?
The use of facial recognition technology combined with the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a widespread debate within the education community as to what extent surveillance and privacy invasion is reasonable in order for universities to carry out their obligation to ensure fair and credible assessment of students.
Open University to Roll Out Online Exams and Assessments with WISEflow
UNIwise are thrilled to announce that The Open University have opted to deliver their exams and assignments with WISEflow for an initial period of five years, following a rigorous open procedure procurement process under the EU Service Directive.
A Remarkable Spring for UNIwise
In April the number of institution licenses for WISEflow surpassed 100, and during this Spring we have extended our customer portfolio to cover 14 different countries.
A smooth transition: how the Danish School of Media and Journalism used digital assessment to conduct its entrance exams during the Covid pandemic.
On the 25th of April 2020 over 900 applicants for the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX) completed the first-ever fully online admission test from the comfort of their own homes by using WISEflow. Despite the radically changed circumstances for the test, it turned out to be a great success.
An Update from UNIwise a Month into The Corona Pandemic
Since educational institutions and universities’ physical campuses have shut down around the world, we have been running fast to ensure that WISEflow can be mitigated and adapted to the radically changed circumstances. Read the latest update on our work here.
Preventing Academic Misconduct in Digital Exams Using Third-Party Programs
The issue of academic misconduct is present at every educational institution and is often a tough nut to crack. This blog looks into the complexity of the problem.
Moving Assessments Online with WISEflow
In response to the effect of the escalating Coronavirus situation, educational institutions are working hard to identify alternative approaches to traditional assessments. Find information, guidance and advice on moving assessment online in this blog post.
Appointment of new Head of Sales and Marketing and new Non-Executive Director
We are delighted and proud to announce the appointment of our new Head of Sales and Marketing Mark Bush and our new Non-executive Director Kurt Gammelgaard Nielsen.
The Unique Potential of Digital Exams
What does the future of digital exams look like? At WISEcon 2019, Professor Mariann Rand-Weaver made a three-fold suggestion.
WISEcon 2019: Beyond the Standard Written Exam
What constitutes a good exam? Hanne Leth Andersen, Vice-Chancellor at Roskilde University, has a clear opinion: The recipe for a good exam consists of alignment between the teaching methods, the learning objectives, and the types of assessment.
Digital admission test at the Danish School of Media and Journalism
Every year at the end of April or early May, one headline is guaranteed to figure in several Danish media outlets: “Can you get into the Danish School of Media and Journalism?”
UNIwise Opens New Office in Manchester
Educational institutions in the UK using WISEflow to digitise their exam and assessment processes are soon to experience a more local touch, as UNIwise open a new office with a team dedicated to UK operations. The office is set to open in Manchester in August 2019.
Procuring a Digital Assessment Platform Easily: The G-Cloud Framework
UNIwise is approved and accredited by the G-Cloud framework. This means that educational institutions in the UK can purchase WISEflow and begin digitising their exam and assessment process very quickly.
Digital Literacy Is Key in Modern Higher Education
Authentic assessment allows educational institutions to measure that their students not only have the knowledge necessary to solve actual critical issues in the world, they are also able to put that knowledge to practical use.
We work with many educational institutes and they vary greatly in size. This requires major flexibility in our system and great scalability to accommodate all needs.
Digital assessment at Brunel University – four years on and looking to the future
After four years of WISEflow, Professor Mariann Rand-Weaver, Vice-Provost at Brunel University London, reflects on digital assessment and its future.
Digital Assessment: The Difference Between WISEflow and LMS/VLE
WISEflow is an easy-to-use assessment platform with advanced capabilities. The focus of WISEflow is not just to manage and distribute content, but to successfully manage and support the entire process of online assessment for every stakeholder involved.
A New Year for WISEflow and Its Users
It’s 2019, the start of an entirely new year, and many exciting events await for UNIwise, WISEflow and its users.
Digitising Exams and Assessments at NMBU
The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) wanted to be able to provide feedback digitally, and they had a wish to digitise the assessment process to be able to conduct assessments on screens rather than paper.